“When Harry Potter’s name emerges from the Goblet of Fire, he becomes a competitor in a grueling battle for glory among three wizarding schools—the Triwizard Tournament. But since Harry never submitted his name for the Tournament, who did? Now Harry must confront a deadly dragon, fierce water demons (We Harry Potter nerds call them Grindylows and Merpeople) and an enchanted maze only to find himself in the cruel grasp of He Who Must Not Be Named. In this fourth film adaptation of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, everything changes as Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave childhood forever and take on challenges greater than anything they could have imagined.”
So I’ve been re-watching the Harry Potter movies that I own lately. One of my favorites is this very movie.
The books are so much better than the movies, let me tell you. But here’s why I love this movie so much:
Reason One: The different magical creatures!
Yeah, there have been creatures in the other movies, but we have never been exposed to the movie’s interpretation of a Grindylow (I’ll leave a picture, because I’m terrible at explaining things… particularly when they’re not my creation). Mer-people have never made an appearance in the movies (and I don’t think they ever will again, if my memory serves me well). We also get to see a gigantic dragon! A Hungarian Horntail. The only other time I can think of a dragon being in the films was in Sorcerer’s Stone, but even then, I can’t check to see if it’s there. Either way, it would have been a baby or in a box.
Grindylow ^
Reason Two: The Triwizard Tournament!
It’s really exciting! Three tasks that most of us would never think or want to compete in. The dragon is just a beast—they fly all around the castle, so get a good feel of what the school grounds look like. The underwater task was especially interesting. Mostly if you’ve seen the behind the scenes clips of how they did this. There are four tributes (one for each champion) that are put into an enchanted sleep and placed underwater to be “rescued.” The people they put underwater were constructed replicas of the actors that represented the people at the bottom of the lake. The actors that played the champions earned their Diver certificates because they were underwater for so long (not at once, cumulative hours). Then Harry had to grow gills so that he could breathe! The maze was just insane. It could move when it wanted to and close up the pathways. People are being controlled by the Imperius curse (one of the Unforgiveable Curses).
It’s just an amazing movie. I’ve watched it about four hundred times J
I shall leave you now! I have a children’s book about positive and negative ads to write! Perhaps I’ll scan some pictures for you, if I have time. In the meantime, have a good rest of the week everyone!
“In this gentle French drama from first-time director Christophe Barratier, music teacher Clément Mathieu (Gerard Jugnot) lands a job at a boys’ boarding school populated by delinquents and orphans—and run by a martinet headmaster (François Berleand). Sensing potential in the rambunctious ruffians, Mathieu forms a choir to rein in his charges through the transforming power of song, even at the probable cost of his career.”
One of my favorite French teachers showed this movie to our class about two years ago. I instantly fell in love! I only recently remembered the title, and I put it on the Netflix list. As I watched—but more importantly, listened—to the movie, I was entranced by the haunting and angelic voices of all of these boys.
If you rent this movie and you don’t happen to speak fluent French (I certainly don’t), not to worry, there are subtitles! That way you can get the story and the chills from the music of the movie (I’m looking onto my notes where I initially wrote this post and I wrote ‘musique’ instead of ‘music’… oops J
I don’t really have much time, so I’ll leave you with this. Now, I’m off to welcome back my mumzy from
“Wake up, Caitlin…
Ever since she started going out with Rogerson Biscoe, Caitlin seems to have fallen into a semiconscious dreamland where nothing is quite real. Rogerson is different from anyone Caitlin has ever known. He’s magnetic. He’s compelling. He’s dangerous. Being with him makes Caitlin forget about everything else—her missing sister, her withdrawn mother, her lackluster life But what happens when being with Rogerson becomes a larger problem than being without him?”
For me, Sarah Dessen novels are touch and go—you like them or you don’t. This one felt different because of the abuse that goes on. I haven’t read very many Sarah Dessen novels, but of the ones that I have read, it was either love between the girl’s mom and step-dad or something about wanting to be with a guy that they can’t have. Sure, they all had their moment of reckoning, but nothing like this.
It was so powerful because Caitlin was not only trapped on the outside, with Rogerson keeping tabs on her at all times and getting angry when she was even a little bit late, but also on the inside. I found it interesting towards the end when even her thoughts were consumed by Rogerson. She would skip class just so she wouldn’t be late to meet him and then maybe there was a chance that he wouldn’t get mad and hit her. When she knew she was going to be late, the adrenalin kicked in and she panicked because she knew what was coming. These were the difficult parts to read.
All through the book, you can’t help but think “Come on, Caitlin! Get a grip!” even though you know nothing can be changed now, since this is all printed up and spread throughout the country (the world?).
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It’s powerful and it’s a Siamese twin on your emotions (hmm… I might have to re-think that metaphor… that sounded better in my head…).
Have a good rest of the weekend, everyone!
Hello everyone!
I have this mini idea. Two actually. Both I’ve mentioned to some people before, but not necessarily here. I just though I could voice them and then everyone here can tell me if I’m nuts for taking on these projects.
Idea Number One: Learn to do one new thing every month over the course of 2011.
I started making a little and a few people were nice enough to give me a few suggestions. I’m still open for suggestions, by the way.
Idea Number Two: Create a How-To Book over the summer.
It certainly won’t be something that’ll go into print. It’ll just be something personal. If I actually follow through on this project (and I really want to) I could post a few screen-shots. I want it to include recipes that I’ve tried and been successful in making, activities that I didn’t know how to do before… well, basically what I’m doing here. This blog will be a good tool to have when it comes to keeping track of new things.
I’ve also though of yet another project just by writing this. You know how I made a bazillion sock monkeys a few months ago? I kind of want to do something with this new skill (if that’s what you really want to call it). I don’t know… maybe I could make them for people and donate them to hospitals or gather donations and give them to charity… I don’t have all of the details worked out just yet, but what do you think?
Also! I just had another idea while thinking up that idea (do you see a trend here?). I wanted to do this over the summer, but I was too lazy and I never got around to it. I wanted to take pictures all summer long (which I did) and then make a book out of all of those pictures. It's not a scrapbook, but it kind of is.... it's a crossbreed!
Let me know guys. I love comments!
P.S. Sadie's is in two days and I'm so freaking excited!!!
Today is just a day of accomplishment! I went outside and took these pictures of my dad's garden, and then compiled them on an MS Paint page! Granted, it's not the best one out there, but I figured out how to do it, so I get a point!
While we're at it, let's go through the week...
I took my driver's test on Tuesday. I wasn't terribly nervous on the way there. When my mom and I got to the DMV, I started to get just a little edgy-- more so from anticipation than from nervousness. It was okay until I got to a little spot like this:
Okay, so you’re that little red car on the bottom in lane three. The Driving Test Administrator tells you to turn left. Which lane do you have to get into?
If you said, “Go to lane one!” you’re absolutely correct! Do you want to know what I did? That’s right. I stayed in lane three… stupid, stupid… I knew I did something wrong, but I knew it after I did that something stupid. Oh well.
Do you want to know something though? I’m kind of glad that I didn’t pass the first time. I was talking to my dad that night when I got home, and he was saying that more people should fail their first time (or something like that). That way there would be fewer horrible drivers out on the roads endangering other people. So I guess for now, I’m one of those slightly dangerous drivers, and I should be prevented from driving by myself (for now) by keeping my permit. My new date is November 11, so hopefully everything goes just swimmingly then! I know what I did wrong, so now I can work on those things.
That same Tuesday, we started a project in French class. Our job is to go to the Mac lab (the computer lab filled with Mac computers) and make a music video to a French song in iMovie. I can tell you what song I’m making a music video for. I can also tell you what kind of music video. Did this last statement confuse you ever so slightly? Never fear. Answers are on their way. My song is ‘Dernière Danse’ by Kyo (they are absolutely amazing!) and my music video is going to be in the style of a Stop-Motion film.
I’ve never done a Stop-Motion film before. I now realize what a huge endeavor I am pursuing. I will tell you why. Since I haven’t started taking pictures yet, I was merely experimenting with how exactly I would accomplish this project. I did a few Google searches and found out how to start. The article was quite helpful. If you’re interested in trying this yourself, click here to get an idea as to how!
Any way, I did the math while in the computer lab. I wanted to know how much work was going to be involved in this. Each picture that I take is going to last .1 (one tenth) of a second. ‘Dernière Danse’ lasts for 3:49. That’s 60+60+49 which equals 169 seconds. Time ten, that’s 1,690 pictures. Hmm… I think I did my math wrong and added another minute, which put me to 2,290 pictures. Both are quite a daunting number of pictures to take, but the second number that I got is actually quite a relief! I’m really quite excited. I have to get everything done by Tuesday so that I can put all of those pictures in iMovie and then my French teacher can help me export it to QuickTime. Since it’ll be in QuickTime, I’ll try and put it on my jump drive so that I can come home, upload it to YouTube (because the school district bans YouTube and all things awesome), then I can put my finished project up on this blog for your viewing pleasure! Now we have something to look forward to (or not… whatever applies!).
I got Sadie Hawkins tickets this week! It was really a relief. They tend to run out pretty quickly if you’re not careful and get a move on. But Jack and I have them and we’re all set for another fun time! It’s next Friday, and we (along with everyone else that’s going) are pretty darn excited!
This week was also my friend Teo’s birthday! To celebrate, I made him enormous cupcakes (so big that the batter I had could only make about seven or eight of them as opposed to 12 standard sized ones). There was just one teeny-tiny problem: Bike to School Day just happened to occur on the same day. There was no way that I was missing out on getting one of those little green stickers that say, ‘I Biked,’ so I put the cupcakes in a food transportation unit and put them in my basket on the front of my bike. Everything was fine. They seemed to stick to the pan in their wonderful, sticky, deliciousness. As I soon found out, those poor little cupcakes weren’t invincible… I went over one uneven part of the sidewalk and they all fell upon each other. It was the most sad thing that I had seen all day… and the day had just started… Teo still liked the cupcakes, but I felt bad that I couldn’t get them to unstuck from each other without messing them up further.
I finished my PSAT/SAT prep class! Now I just have to sign up somewhere so I can put that newly acquired knowledge to the test!
This weekend, I’ll be working on my Stop-Motion video, reading a little, recuperating from my cold (this thing is killing me… I’m a bit of a Zombie right now because I’m so tired and I can’t breathe… complaining over…). I’ve also found a recipe for apple muffins, so I’m going to wash my hands really, really well and gargle in Lysol, then I’m going to attempt to make them. But of course, that all depends on how everything else is going.
So now, I’ll leave you with some wonderful pictures that I took before the sun went down today. It was a beautiful day today. It got to be 85 degrees Fahrenheit—in October!
Have a good weekend everyone!
P.S. I also have a concert next week on Thursday! If I know you personally, and you happen to be in town and are interested, send me an email and I'll be happy to give you details!