Saturday, March 17, 2012


Welcome to Friday!  On Fridays, I try my best to answer some questions posed to us by Ginger @ Greads and Parajunkee.  Let's get right to it!

Social Networking: Do you use Twitter or Facebook to promote your blog?  How has it benefited your book blogging experience?  If not, how do you promote your blog?  Share you twitter handle and/or Facebook link!

I do use Facebook to promote my blog!  I have a little box in the side bar to the right.  I'm not sure how much good it has done me though.  I have some followers on Facebook, but if my non-existent calculations are correct, they came through Blogger first as opposed to stumbling over my blog on Facebook.  If you have any tips or advice for making this work better, I'm all ears!  My Facebook link is: 

My hope was to have a lot of communication so that I could further improve my blog without having to create dozens of polls and questionnaires (though they are good fun!).  If you'd love to help with books suggestions, design tips, that kind of thing, I would be very appreciative!

Q: What is the best book you've read in the last month? What is the worst book you’ve read in the last month?

I haven't posted a review of it just yet, but the best book I've read this month is "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein.  It was a beautiful and honest book.  I would give it to my future children as soon as they were old enough.

The worst book I've read this month would be, judging by the rating that I gave it upon review, would be "What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know" by Sonya Sones.  There were just a lot of holes that I wish had been taken care of before the book was published and distributed.  Otherwise, this would have been an excellent book!

What are your answers to these questions?  If you'd like me to stop by for a visit, leave your web address below and I'll try my best to make a visit sometime this weekend!

Have a lovely week!



  1. Aww It's a bummer you didn't like What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know. I really liked it.

  2. Hi Jude :)

    Doing a late FF run and became a new follower of your blog.

    Here's mine:


I love your comments! Comment away!