Friday, January 7, 2011

Thank You ^_^

Dear Readers/Followers,

Sometime last week, I reached a milestone on my blog. I have surpassed 50 followers.

I meant to write this thank you note last week when this event happened, but life got in the way and I just didn't get around to accomplishing this. But since it's the start of this weekend's Blog Hop and Follow Friday, I figured this would be appropriate any way.

Thank you so much for deciding to follow me! I love reading your comments-- that's right, I read each and every one of them that comes in-- and my heart flutters and I have to do a happy dance every time I see that Follower counter increase by even one number.

I never would have expected this. This blog started with no plan or any kind of structure. I became a book blogger because every blog that I saw that reviewed books made it look like such a great time. And it is!

So thanks for stopping by when there's a Blog Hop/Follow Friday and whenever there's a new post. I am eternally grateful.

Jude Rosenberg

P.S. Welcome new Followers from this weekend's Blog Hop and Follow Friday! I'm glad that you could join us :)

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