Monday, July 5, 2010


I'm part of a writing group on Shelfari called Young Writers Group. One really cool thing that they do in that group is something called Picture Prompts. This means that the admins change the group picture (because there aren't any other places to put pictures that we've discovered at this time) and anyone in the group can post a story or a poem relating to that picture. It's really a lot of fun!

I think I've told some people that I would put excerpts of stories and poems on this site, but I haven't gotten around to doing that just yet.

"So... why are you bringing up picture prompts?" Well, I thought I'd give it a try here. You should too! I don't care how great or horrible you are when it comes to writing. It's just fun! And you don't even have to use the picture up there. All I did was go into Google Images and typed the word 'Inspiration' into the search box. Very easy :) It's choosing your picture that may or may not be the hard part.

Catching the Sun
Jump up and catch it
Grasped in your hands
Casts its glow
Holds your gaze
Lights up your eyes
Feeling lighter than air
Light up the town
Warm every house
When darkness comes
Shadows the day
Toss it into the air
And chase the phantoms away
Your compass
Your guidance
Your peace
Hardly a chance
It's really meant to be
It's yours to keep or share at will
Your anxiety
Your nervousness
Your burden

Think you can write a better poem than this? I think you could too. So if you are willing to share a poem/story that you wrote about the above picture, I'd love to read it.

Thank you for reading this entry! Enjoy life, have a good summer (or winter, if you're in a different hemisphere) and be sure to take plenty of dance breaks throughout the day :D


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