Saturday, December 4, 2010

In Which Jude Talks About a Test (How Dull, Yes?)

Today, I took my SAT.

Good Things About This:
1. It helps me get into college (and colleges on the coasts only accept SATs)
2. It wasn't as hard as I was anticipating it to be
3. Some of the selections that were part of the test were quite random (I can't talk about them here because I'll get in trouble with the College Board. That's the last thing I want).

Bad Things About This:
1. It was soooo long! I was testing for about five hours.
2. They didn't let you bring a book or anything. They thought you were going to be cheating.
3. I didn't know anyone that was taking the test at the same location on the same day as me.
4. I had to wake up at the ungodly hour of 6am in order to get there by about 7:20, and then it took some time to get everything situated.
5. The mediators read the exact same instructions over and over and over again.

I'm sorry, this is such a negative post... this whole thing has put me in bad spirits... I'm going to go and bake cookies for my friends who were so nice and made a gingerbread house for me because I wasn't able to go with them and make it myself.

I hope your days were good though!



  1. I hope you did well. I hated taking the SATs- took them 3 times! Testing for 5 hrs =not fun. Well now you can enjoy cookies :)
    Hope the rest of your weekend is good.
    Caroline @ Bon Bons and Reveries

  2. Oh my goodness... just the thought of fifteen accumulative hours of testing is enough to make me melt with despair...


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